Wednesday 24 September 2014

Work Diary - Form


I found the form session the most difficult one so far. Firstly, the outcome of my form photos mostly depended on the light, and when the sun went in I had to wait until it came out again to take any more shots. This meant that taking enough good form photos took a long time. Secondly, I found it hard to find anything that had enough shadow to emphasise the form of the object. Because of this I ended up with a lot of bad pictures, which didn't show form clearly. To overcome this I emphasised the form of the photo through the editing by adding contrast. It was hard to take form pictures indoors because it wasn't very bight so there were less highlights and shadows around the objects. 

Despite these negatives, I enjoyed searching for form indoors and out in order to get a variety of images. I also like some of the camera angles used in my photos as they cause the focus to be on the form of the object. Even though it was a challenge, I enjoyed this session and am relatively happy with the outcome.

I like this picture that I had taken during the form session. Shape is shown very clearly as the window is a clear circle shape. I like how the window is off centre to allow us to see that view from the window contrasts really clearly against the dark wall inside. Colour is also shown as the bright blue sky can be seen from this window. The problem with this form image is that it doesn't show form very clearly. I think it would be more recognisable as a shape image as the circular window is the main focus. 

I think that this picture I had taken shows form very well as there are visible highlights and a shadow due to the lighting. I also like the angle it has been taken from and i think that this emphasises the form of the image, as the highlights on the top of the handle can be clearly seen from above. I think that if I had taken extreme close ups of the handle to emphasise the highlights and shadows, this would have created some even better images for form, and would have taken up more space in the frame. 


If I were to go out and shoot form again, I'd do it on a day that was very sunny all day so that I'd get better contrast between the highlighted and shadowy areas which would clearly bring out the form of the object. Also, when taking pictures of form indoors I could have used a source of light like a torch to shine onto the object to make the form clearer. I think this would have been a creative approach and would have resulted in some interesting images. 

The picture below is an example of the kind of form photography I would like to do in the future. The shadows and highlights show form very clearly as they are quite contrasting.


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