Thursday 4 December 2014

Irene Cruz

Irene Cruz is from Madrid and takes part in many exhibitions. I have chosen to look at her work in more detail because I admire the way it is unique, abstract and mystical, and I like the dull lighting she uses throughout all of her photography.

I like the dull lighting and colours in this image as it completely changes the whole feel of the image, creating a more mysterious, slightly eerie feel. I like the shadows and highlights which are visible in the reflection of the ripples which create unstructured lines, and i especially the shadows in the bottom corners. We cannot see the girls face which creates a sense of mystery and also allows us to focus more on the surroundings that the features of the girl. The way the image is taken as a landscape rather than a portrait also does this. The whole image creates a sense of journey which I like the most about it.

The same dull lighting is apparent in this image, The colours are mostly grey. This image shows a long shot of the back of a girl on a swing.  Lines can be seen in the form of tree trunks in the background. The shape of the trees are very clear as they create a dark silhouette which contrasts against the pale sky. The wooden poles of the swing frame also create lines. The girl only takes up a very small fraction of the frame so that we are able to see a lot of the surroundings. Looking at where the swing is located creates a mysterious feel as it is an unusual place for a swing to be on its own. The way we cannot see the girls face also creates mystery, as the features of the face are usually focused on in photography. One final aspect of the image which creates a mysterious feel is the mist, as we are not able to see into the distance. 

I really like the composition of this image, and how it is focused on only half of the woman. Unlike the above images, this images has been edited black and white so that the tones are clearer. The contrast between the woman's pale skin and the dark background allows the shape to be clearly shown. The form of the woman's skin can also be seen, as there are visible highlights and shadows. The trees in the background of the image create lines which also contrast against the pale sky. I like how the Woman's dark hair contrasts against her own skin, as it seems to make her stand out. Because of the way the woman only takes up one side of the frame, we are able to see a lot of the background surroundings, however we are still drawn to the woman first because of the way she contrasts against the dull lake and trees. I really like the reflection in the image as the it carries the lines of the tree trunks down to the bottom of the image. Although some features are slightly visible the woman's face is quite unclear, which creates a sense of mystery.

like the other images, the lighting is dull in this image. Most of the frame consists of shadows, but there is a highlighted area in the middle of the road. in my opinion this adds something to the image and makes it a better and more interesting photo. Lines can be seen in the form of sign poles, lampposts and trees. They all seem to be aligned, and they show depth as they get smaller the further away they are from the lens. Unlike the images above, there is no person or main object in the photo, so there is nothing we immediately focus on. This allows us to take in each part of the image rather than only looking at one person in the frame. A sense of journey is created as we can see two paths lead of into the distance, and mystery is created as we are unaware as to where the paths will lead.

I feel inspired to take more interesting images that create a sense of mystery like Irene does. I also want to try out different lighting as I quite like the dull lighting in Irene's work. I had realised that the compositions irene had used in her photography mostly allow us to see a lot of the surroundings by making the person or object in the image only take up a small part of the frame, and I would like to try this out in my future photography.

After looking at more of Irene's work I realised that many images are similar, for example the lighting or setting is similar in many of her images. This means there is a limit of variation with her work, however despite this I still like her photography and especially like the mystery and sense of adventure that her images create. 

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