Tuesday 18 November 2014

Connecting Essay 2

This is an image I had found. The camera is positioned behind the bench so that the view from it can be seen. It has been taken as a landscape long shot also so that the scenery in the background is visible. This also emphasises the size of the area. The scenery is very natural, and we cannot see anything other than trees in the surroundings, making this area seem isolates, creating a sense of loneliness as the person is alone. I like how we cannot see the face of the person on the bench as it creates a sense of mystery, because the face is the part of a person that is usually focused on in photography. The fact the face isn't shown allows us to focus more on the scenery rather than the person. We unable to see any details of the person as they are shown as a silhouette, which is quite effective and again helps create a sense of mystery. The photo has been edited black and white, which makes the tree trunks create significant silhouettes against the plain white sky. Lines are also shown in the bench as the dark planks of wood are contrasting as the light comes between them.The thing I like most about this image is that it creates a sense of journey and adventure.

This is an image I had taken during walk 2. It is taken from behind the bench so that we are able to see the view from it. We cannot see the person's face which creates a sense of mystery, as the facial features are usually focused on in portraits. The person on the bench is not central in the frame, which allows to see the natural surroundings in front of the person. The landscape format also allows us to see more of the surroundings, so the time of year is emphasised Lines separate the water from the grass and bushes, and can also be seen in the bench. Autumn colours like oranges, yellows and greens are visible, and I increased the saturation of them in order to make them more vivid and reinforce the idea that this is an autumn scene. The texture of the girls hair is visible due to highlights and shadows, creating form. Texture is also visible in the lake as ripples are created and shown due to highlights. A blurred reflection is created in the lake which is quite effective. Overall the images creates a sense of journey, and clearly establishes an autumn theme. 

The content of these two images is quite similar, showing the view from a bench. Both of these images include a person who's face is not visible. This is so that the details of the surrounding nature is focused on rather than the features of the peoples faces, but also creates a sense of mystery. The images are also both taken as a landscape in order to fit the nature into the frame. Both pictures show lines in different aspects of the images, but they also both create a calm peaceful, and quiet atmosphere due to the appealing views, and the fact the person is alone in each image. In both cases, the person only takes up a small part of the frame, which allows us to focus more on the natural surroundings and get a feeling of autumn.
Differences between these two images includes colour. The image I had found has been edited black and white which works effectively as it emphasises contrast and keeps the image simple, reinforcing the feeling of calm and peace. On the other hand, I decided to alter the hue of my image in order to emphasise the autumn tones like reds and oranges. This worked well to establish this as an autumn photograph.

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